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Friday, January 28, 2011

karkuzari britain

Bila usaha dakwah dijalankan,

korban dan tertib, tekan perasaan, bergerak dengan jalan(cara) nabi saw.,

aliran titisan darah dan air mata,

seperti sahabat r.a, samaada tertegaknya agama Allah ataupun syahid,

maka nusrah Allah akan datang,

bilamana berbondong-bondong manusia memeluk islam dan beriman,

sedang kita tak punya daya upaya,

maka bertasbih dan istigfarlah,

kerana yang beri hidayat ialah Allah

Sebuah portal berita Britain, Daily Mail melaporkan bahawa jumlah terkini rakyat Britain yang memeluk Agama Islam telah melepasi angka 100,000 orang di seluruh negara tersebut. Purata rakyat Britain yang memilih Agama Islam adalah, golongan muda wanita Inggeris berkulit putih, yang berusia 27 tahun. Mereka dikatakan sudah bosan dan benci dengan masaalah moral dan ketidak sopanan warga British.

Kajian yang dijalankan oleh sebuah badan kepelbagaian agama di Britain menyifatkan ia sebagai mengalami satu proses "pengislaman negara Britain" (Islamification).

Laporan itu juga menganggarkan kira-kira 5,200 lelaki dan wanita telah memeluk Islam sepanjang 12 bulan yang lalu, termasuk 1,400 orang di London. hampir 2 per 3 mereka adalah wanita. Lebih 70 peratus adalah wanita berkulit putih dengan purata umur sekitar 27 tahun.

Di tahun 2001, dianggarkan kira-kira 60,000 orang rakyat Britain telah memeluk Islam.

Satu tinjauan telah dijalankan oleh Kevin Brice dari Universiti Swansea yang bertanya kepada mereka yang telah memeluk Islam, tentang aspek negatif yang dilihat oleh mereka terhadap budaya British

Mereka menjelaskan bahawa, arak, seks bebas dan keruntuhan moral rakyat Britain telah mendorong mereka untuk memilih Islam sebagai pegangan hidup.


The number of Muslim converts in Britain has passed 100,000, fuelled by a surge in young white women adopting the Islamic faith.

The figure has almost doubled in ten years – with the average convert now a 27-year-old white woman fed up with British consumerism and immorality.

The numbers, revealed in a study by multi-faith group Faith Matters, have led to claims that the country is undergoing a process of ‘Islamification’.

Conversion: An estimated 90,000 to 100,000 people have adopted Islam as their faith in the UK. Research suggests many of those becoming Muslims are white women

The survey of converts revealed nearly two thirds were women, more than 70 per cent were white and the average age at conversion was just 27.

But the organisation’s report argued that most converts saw their religion as ‘perfectly compatible’ with living in Britain.

It said: ‘Converts do not represent a devious fifth column determined to undermine the Western way of life – this is a group of normal people united in their adherence to a religion which they, for the most part, see as perfectly compatible with Western life.’

The report estimated around 5,200 men and women have adopted Islam over the past 12 months, including 1,400 in London. Nearly two-thirds were women, more than 70 per cent were white and the average age at conversion was 27.

In 2001, there were an estimated 60,000 Muslim converts in Britain. Since then, the country has seen the spread of violent Islamist extremism and terror plots, including the July 7 bombings.

Converts who have turned to terror include Nicky Reilly, who tried to blow up a restaurant in Bristol with a nail bomb, shoe bomber Richard Reid and July 7 bomber Germaine Lindsay.

But the report said the number of converts sucked into extremism represented a ‘very small minority’.

The survey, conducted by Kevin Brice from Swansea University, asked converts for their views on the negative aspects of British culture.

They identified alcohol and drunkenness, a ‘lack of morality and sexual permissiveness’, and ‘unrestrained consumerism’.

More than one in four accepted there was a ‘natural conflict’ between being a devout Muslim and living in the UK. Nine out of ten women converts said their change of religion had led to them dressing more conservatively. More than half started wearing a head scarf and 5 per cent had worn the burka.

More than half also said they experienced difficulties after converting because of negative attitudes among their family.

Lynee Ali has admittedd that she was a slave to broken society before she converted to Islam.

Last year Lauren Booth, sister-in-law of former prime minister Tony Blair, attracted widespread publicity when she announced that she had converted to Islam.

Fiyaz Mughal, director of Faith Matters, said: ‘Conversion to Islam has been stigmatised by the media and wrongly associated with extremist ideologies and discriminatory cultural practices.’

Daily Mail [klik]

"dan mereka yang bermujahadah dgn jalan(cara) kami, pasti dan pasti Kami akan beri petunjuk(hidayat). dan sesungguhnya Allah bersama-sama dengan mereka yang berbuat baik"
(surah al-ankabut)

"Bilakah orang kafir akan masuk Islam? "Dengan dakwah yang bersungguh-sungguh,Insyaallah orang-orang kafir akan masuk Islam.. " (Maulana Yusof Rahmatullahi a'laih)

ya Allah, bukalah pintu-pintu hidayatMu seluas-luasnya
ya Allah, tutuplah pintu-pintu kemurtadan serapat-rapatnya

p/s: sempena raya cina ni, byk jemaah akan dibentuk utk belajar usaha nabi saw. tmasuk dr uitm s.alam....sama2 lah kite doakan supaya Allah beri hidayat seluruh alam sampai qiamat!

1 comment:

  1. salam...
    xlama lagi islam akan tawan eropah...n dunia...
    kita kene tingkat kurban diri,masa dan harta kita...

    p/s:Saya memerlukan komentar dan pandangan berkaitan dengan artikel baru yang saya tulis di blog saya.Mungkin tuan mempunyai pandangan dan komentar yang berbeza dengan saya dan diharapkan sama2 kita berkongsi pandangan dan komentar itu kearah kebaikan.Sekian terima kasih.


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